Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stretching Tips for avoiding injury at your workstation


In spite of the fact that spending 8 to 10 hours at a desk may not seem as taxing as a five-mile hike or an intense kickboxing class, researchers argue that it can cause serious problems for your joints, muscles and bones.  The way you answer the phone, sit in your chair and organize the items on your desk directly affects your physical state.


Focusing on ergonomics, the study of human movement capabilities in relation to work demands, may assist in lessening the physical strain caused by workstation layout.  Try the following stretches to help ease the tension in your muscles and joints right from the comfort of your cubicle.


Stretches for your Whole Body

·         Stand up and sit down without using your hands.

·         Sit on an exercise ball for 30-minute periods to engage your back, abdomen, legs and rear- end muscles, and maintain good posture.

·         Stand, stretch your arms to the ceiling and breathe deeply for five seconds. Repeat.


Stretches for your Neck, Back and Shoulders

·         Inhale and shrug your shoulders to your ears. Hold for five seconds and release.  Repeat. 

·         Grab your right elbow with your left hand and stretch your arm across your chest. Hold this position for five seconds and switch to your other arm.

Stretch your arms around the opposite shoulder blade and give yourself a hug.

·         Hug your legs with your arms while sitting, allowing your chest to rest on your legs. 


Stretches for your Fingers, Hands and Wrists

·         Clench your fists, stretch your hands out parallel to the ground and do 10 wrist circles in each direction.

  • Extend your arm to the floor and push your fingers with your opposite hand towards your body. Hold this stretch for five seconds and then switch hands. 


Stretches for your Lower Body

·         Grab the right side of your chair with your left hand as you twist your upper body to the right. Hold pose for five seconds. Then, reverse movement for left side.

·         Stretch your legs in front of you and point and flex your toes 10 times. 

To implement these stretches into your daily routine, take regular mini-breaks every hour.  After stretching, get a beverage or use the restroom. This will allow your eyes to rest, your mind a chance to regroup and your body to move about

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