Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Changes to OSHA Reporting Requirements

Changes to OSHA reporting requirements: What need to be reported?

OSHA's updated recordkeeping rule expands the list of severe injuries that employers must report to OSHA.

As of January 1, 2015, all employers must report

  1. All work related fatalities within 8 hours.
  2. All work related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations and all loss of an eye within 24 hours.
You can report to OSHA by

  1. Calling OSHA's free and confidential number at 1(800) 321-OSHA (6742).
  2. Calling your closest Area Office during normal business hours.
  3. Using the new online form that will soon be available.
Only fatalities occurring within 30 days of the work-related incident must be reported to OSHA. Further, for an in-patient hospitalization, amputation or loss of eye, these incidents must be reported to OSHA only if they occur within 24 hours of the work-related incident.

Changes to OSHA record keeping requirements: Who is required to keep records? Who is exempt from keeping records?

OHSA regulations require certain employees to routinely keep records of serious employee injuries and illnesses. However, there are two classes of employers that are partially exempt from routinely keeping records. First, employers with ten or fewer employees at all time during the previous calendar year are exempt from routinely keeping OHSA injury and illness records. OSHA's revised record keeping regulation maintains this exemption. Second, establishments in certain low-hazard industries are also exempt from routinely keeping OSHA injury and illness records. Since 1982, this list has been comprised of establishments in the divisions of retail trade, finance, insurance and real estate; and the service industry. OSHA's revised record keeping regulation provides an updated list of low-hazard industries that are exempt from routinely keeping OSHA injury and illness records. The new list of exempt industries is now classified by North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS), which is the standard use by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. The injury and illness rate threshold is based on more recent BLS data.






Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Three Sixty Safety Systems Model

The Three Sixty Safety systems model has been developed as a way to understand a process of accident prevention, causation and response. Systems theory dates from the thirties and forties and was a response to the limitations of classic analysis techniques in coping with the increasingly complex systems. The safety systems approach focuses on systems taken as a whole, requiring all subsystems operating simultaneously not on the parts taken separately. It assumes that some properties of systems can only be treated adequately in their entirety, taking into account all facets and relating the social to the technical aspects. These system properties derive from the relationships between the parts of systems: how the parts interact and fit together. Thus, the Three Sixty Safety systems approach concentrates on the analysis and design of the whole as distinct from the components or the parts. When practicing a systems approach to safety it is imperative that all parts of the system are operating simultaneously and that no one part is omitted.  Much like a human being, when one part of the body (a critical organ) is not working omitted the physical body suffers and eventually fails or dies.

The Three Sixty Safety system when operated as a whole, can take your organizations and the bodies within it into a future of sustainable health and prosperity.  Contact your Three Sixty Safety representative for a consultation on how we can impact your business family today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Employee Safety Perception Surveys

October 2014


Are there ways you could make your business more efficient, more attractive or more profitable? You may think everything is under control, but getting your employees’ input on the perceived level of safety in your organization  will give you a clearer picture of what's working well and what areas of your organization might benefit from change. Best-in-class employers use employee safety perceptions surveys based on directly observable behaviors to generate employee promoted changes from within.


A safety perception survey is like a performance review for your organization. Knowing where you stand with employees enables you to identify areas for improvement and collaborate with them to address their concerns. Safety perception surveys pinpoint priorities, showing you where you should focus your efforts.


If you already have ideas for change, it's important to test the waters prior to implementation by asking for feedback. You may be surprised by how your employees respond. You may learn there is a better approach or a more pressing issue that needs your attention.


If you're not aware of any areas of concern a safety perception survey is essential. These surveys often reveal important issues you had no idea were a factor.

Whom Should you Survey?

Make an effort to survey all your employees.. It shows you value everyone's opinion, whether they are managers or front-line employees. More importantly, you’ll get a clearer picture of your organization's strengths and weaknesses by seeing it from all perspectives.

How Do you Do It?

Safety perception surveys administered electronically, allow for results to be analyzed with statistically significant certainty. They don't cost a lot, and third-party administration can help improve results by emphasizing anonymity.  It also permits you to benchmark and measure improvements over time.

For Best Results

Be up-front with employees about how important the survey is to you. Explain that it is not a “wish list,” but that you are genuinely interested in getting their input to improve the organization. Ask them to be candid and reasonable in their feedback, and assure them that responses are anonymous and confidential.


Finally, you must commit to putting the survey results to work. With a well-designed questionnaire, responses will point toward specific outcomes. It's important to your business that you act on these insights. It also shows employees that completing the surveys was worthwhile. If you solicit survey participation but don't follow up on its results, staff will respond more negatively than if you'd never undertaken the survey effort. So, if you find that you cannot act on certain suggestions, make sure you communicate the reasons why to the survey participants.


In short, use surveys to inform your decision-making about effective changes—and then act on the information those surveys reveal



TSS is able to benchmark your safety metrics against some of the nation’s top companies in a way that is accurate, reliable, and affordable. But TSS does more than just provide you with a survey; we also analyze your survey results, provide a comprehensive report of results, strategically determined next steps and provide the support, and tools to take you to the next level on your safety journey.   Contact a TSS representative at 586-778-9900 to schedule your survey consultation.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Three Sixty Safety Could Change the World

We believe the Three Sixty Safety (TSS) system can change the world. The safety systems we install inspire a change in the culture of a workplace. We involve every employee from the owner down to the hardworking folks on the line. Everyone’s input is acknowledged and appreciated. This empowers and inspires workers, therefore increasing productivity and greatly reducing risk and injury. Through principles , values and a devotion to providing a safe workplace our system delivers profits  and improves the bottom line. If this transformation occurred in every company, would it change the world? We believe it could…

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Staying Hydrated

 We all know how hot it can get working in a shop environment over the next few months. Prolonged exposure to hot temperatures can cause heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke (also known as sun stroke). As your body works to cool itself under extreme or prolonged heat, blood rushes to the surface of your skin. As a result, less blood reaches your brain, muscles, and other organs. This can interfere with both your physical strength and your mental capacity, leading, in some cases, to serious danger and injury.
Most heat-related illnesses can be prevented by avoiding dehydration in hot environments. When you are working, try and remember to drink lots of water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Everyone knows where sinks and/or drinking fountains are located in their workplace. Also, try and keep a water bottle with you at your work station to ensure you are not going too long without hydrating your body. When it gets hot, it is very important that we try and keep a close eye on each other to try and spot any irregularities in our co-workers behavior due to dehydration and heat-related illnesses.
Some jobs can be very dangerous in even the most comfortable environments.  These jobs can be made much more dangerous when we aren’t thinking properly due to discomfort in the heat. Try to remember not to lose focus on your safety and the safety of those around you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keeping your feet safe and comfortable on the job

With all the equipment you may use to do your job, ensuring that your body is protected is extremely important in agriculture. This applies to every part of your body, especially your feet. Since you are often exposed to conditions that could potentially be hazardous to your feet, wearing safety footwear is essential in protecting your feet against injury. 

There are several factors that determine what type of footwear is appropriate for you:
·         Job activity
·         Equipment handled
·         Potential hazards
·         Requirements for the position

What’s Your Type?
There are several types of safety boots made for workers operating under specific conditions:

·         High-cut: protect feet and ankles from sparks, molten metals and chemicals
·         Steel toe, reinforced safety toe or reinforced toecap: cushion feet in case of contact with heavy materials
·         Reinforced metal soles: protect feet against punctures from nails, screws or scrap metal
·         Steel mid-soles: protect feet against puncture from sharp objects
·         Non-slip soles (rubber or wooden): protect worker from slipping on wet surfaces
·         Insulated footwear: protect feet against extremely cold temperatures
·         Metal-free footwear: worn when working around electricity
·         Treated footwear: protect against chemicals

The Right Fit for You
Once you determine what safety footwear is needed, select the boot with the right fit for your foot. Follow these tips when making your selection:

·         Walk around to ensure comfort
·         Examine toe room—there should be ½ to 1 inch from the big toe to the front of the shoe with your heavy work socks or arch supports
·         When laced completely, the boot should fit snug around the heel and ankle

Keep Them Like New
To maintain your boots, apply a water-resistant protective coating. Also regularly check for wear and tear to ensure that your feet are always fully protected.

Comfort Counts
Choose footwear according to the hazards at your workplace, but do not sacrifice comfort. Your feet can only be as comfortable as the footwear permits.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Three Rules to Avoid Back Injury

The following are three rules to follow in order to help avoid painful back injuries:

1. Keep the Chest Forward

Always be sure to bend at the hips - not the low back. Most people believe bending their knees will ensure a safe lift, but this form alone can still lead to a back injury. The most important tip is to bend the hips and push the chest out, pointing forward. Also, one should never twist.

Bending the knees alone will still allow a person to curve the back and risk and injury, but keeping the chest pointing forward will guarantee a straight back. The back muscles will then be used most effectively for maintaining good posture, as they are designed to do. The knees will bend automatically so the muscles of the legs and hips will produce the power for lifting correctly.

2. Lead with the Hips, Not the Shoulders

Twisting is another dangerous mistake that can lead to back injury. The shoulders should be kept in line with the hips to avoid this movement. For changing directions, move the hips first so the shoulders will move in unison.

When moving the shoulders first, the hips tend to lag behind creating the dangerous twisting that can cause back injury, especially to the joints in the back and pelvis.

3. Keep the Weight Close to the Body

The further an object is held from one's center of gravity, the more force required to hold that object up. For example, for most people it is not too difficult to hold a gallon of milk close to the chest, but it can be quite difficult to hold a gallon of milk stretched out in front at arm's reach.

Of course, the milk does not get heavier when it is further from the body, but it does require much more force to hold it up. This extra force will also run through the lower back. Therefore, the closer the object is to one's body, the less likely it is to lead to back injury.

If the object is too wide to get it between the knees when lifting, consider getting help from another person instead of trying to lift it alone. Larger objects require lifting at a long reach and increase the load on one's back just like an improper lift technique.

These three rules are applicable to most lifting situations. Following them whenever possible will reduce the amount of stress the back must go through during activity.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stretching Tips for avoiding injury at your workstation


In spite of the fact that spending 8 to 10 hours at a desk may not seem as taxing as a five-mile hike or an intense kickboxing class, researchers argue that it can cause serious problems for your joints, muscles and bones.  The way you answer the phone, sit in your chair and organize the items on your desk directly affects your physical state.


Focusing on ergonomics, the study of human movement capabilities in relation to work demands, may assist in lessening the physical strain caused by workstation layout.  Try the following stretches to help ease the tension in your muscles and joints right from the comfort of your cubicle.


Stretches for your Whole Body

·         Stand up and sit down without using your hands.

·         Sit on an exercise ball for 30-minute periods to engage your back, abdomen, legs and rear- end muscles, and maintain good posture.

·         Stand, stretch your arms to the ceiling and breathe deeply for five seconds. Repeat.


Stretches for your Neck, Back and Shoulders

·         Inhale and shrug your shoulders to your ears. Hold for five seconds and release.  Repeat. 

·         Grab your right elbow with your left hand and stretch your arm across your chest. Hold this position for five seconds and switch to your other arm.

Stretch your arms around the opposite shoulder blade and give yourself a hug.

·         Hug your legs with your arms while sitting, allowing your chest to rest on your legs. 


Stretches for your Fingers, Hands and Wrists

·         Clench your fists, stretch your hands out parallel to the ground and do 10 wrist circles in each direction.

  • Extend your arm to the floor and push your fingers with your opposite hand towards your body. Hold this stretch for five seconds and then switch hands. 


Stretches for your Lower Body

·         Grab the right side of your chair with your left hand as you twist your upper body to the right. Hold pose for five seconds. Then, reverse movement for left side.

·         Stretch your legs in front of you and point and flex your toes 10 times. 

To implement these stretches into your daily routine, take regular mini-breaks every hour.  After stretching, get a beverage or use the restroom. This will allow your eyes to rest, your mind a chance to regroup and your body to move about

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Working In Cold Weather

Working in cold weather puts enormous strain on your body. To fight back, try these cold-weather safety tips while working on the job:

·         Securely tie down or weigh down supplies so they are safe from gusts of wind.

·         Wear a hat—20 to 30 percent of your body heat is lost through your head.

·         Take frequent breaks in warm, dry shelters to allow your body to warm up.

·         Sweep water out of passageways inside of buildings under construction to avoid slipping.

·         Clean off and sand work surfaces covered by ice or snow to prevent falling.

·         Use the buddy system–always work in pairs.

·         Drink warm, sweet beverages, like sugar water or sports drinks, and avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, soda and hot chocolate.

·         Eat warm, high-calorie foods like hot pasta.


When your body temperature drops, your nerve cells and muscles work more slowly, which makes you clumsier. This is easy to notice when tying a shoelace or fastening a button in cold weather.



Frostbite occurs after prolonged exposure to low temperatures or wet working conditions. Frostbite can be dangerous and even life-threatening. That’s why it is important to look for the following symptoms when working in cold temperatures:

·  Burning or tingling sensations

·  Partial or complete numbness

·  Discoloration of the skin

·  Intense pain

·  Blistering

·  Hard or waxy-looking skin

Frostbite darkens gradually if left untreated and will eventually turn skin black. Nerve and blood vessel damage can lead to gangrene and amputation of a limb.

To prevent frostbite, wear loose-fitting layers of clothing and always cover your hands, feet, nose and ears. At the first sign of pain or if your skin gets cold and wet, it’s time to look for a place to warm up.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Near Miss Reporting


What is a Near Miss?


A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage; in other words, a miss that was nonetheless very near.

A faulty process or management system invariably is the root cause for the increased risk that leads to the near miss and should be the focus of improvement. Other familiar terms for these events are a “close call,” a “narrow escape,” or in the case of moving objects, “near collision” or a “near hit.”


How Does Near Miss Reporting Prevent Future Incidents?


Many safety activities are reactive and not proactive, and some organizations wait for losses to occur before taking steps to prevent a recurrence. Near miss incidents often precede loss producing events but may be overlooked as there was no harm (no injury, damage or loss).

An organization may not have a reporting culture where employees are encouraged to report these close calls. Thus, many opportunities to prevent the incidents are lost. History has shown repeatedly that most loss producing events (incidents), both serious and catastrophic, were preceded by warnings or near miss incidents. Recognizing and reporting near miss incidents can significantly improve worker safety and enhance an organization’s safety culture.


Key Points


• Incidents occur every day at the workplace that could result in a serious injury or damage.

• A near-miss program may help prevent future incidents.

• One problem that companies must overcome is employee’s fear of being blamed after reporting a near miss.

• Employers need to make the process of reporting a near miss as easy as possible.