The Three Sixty Safety systems model has been developed as a way
to understand a process of accident prevention, causation and response. Systems
theory dates from the thirties and forties and was a response to the
limitations of classic analysis techniques in coping with the increasingly
complex systems. The safety systems approach focuses on systems taken as a
whole, requiring all subsystems operating simultaneously not on the parts taken
separately. It assumes that some properties of systems can only be treated
adequately in their entirety, taking into account all facets and relating the
social to the technical aspects. These system properties derive from the
relationships between the parts of systems: how the parts interact and fit
together. Thus, the Three Sixty Safety systems approach concentrates on the
analysis and design of the whole as distinct from the components or the parts. When
practicing a systems approach to safety it is imperative that all parts of the
system are operating simultaneously and that no one part is omitted. Much like a human being, when one part of the
body (a critical organ) is not working omitted the physical body suffers and
eventually fails or dies.
The Three Sixty Safety system when operated as a whole, can take
your organizations and the bodies within it into a future of sustainable health
and prosperity. Contact your Three Sixty
Safety representative for a consultation on how we can impact your business
family today.